
1930 White 61

Delivered: 5/22/1930

Status: Restored as Squad 10 by Ken Little in 1995 and now part of the Fire Museum of Greater Chicago's collection

Apparatus Assignments

Squad Co. 10 (5/29/1930 - 1/22/1941)
Spare squad (1/22/1941 - 1/2/1942)
Chemical 1 (6-3-1) (1/16/1942 - 1949)
Chemical 1 (6-3-1) (9/4/1951 - 8/16/1961)

Additional spare assignments for this apparatus may appear on the Company History page

Apparatus Notes

Received Pirsch body from unknown apparatus; converted to chemical apparatus during 1941; may have been Chemical 1 as early as 1/16/1942; carried Du-Gas powder, foam, foam powder, and hopper; 6-3-1 at Midway

Additional Images

Chemical 1

Restored Squad 10 (Bill Friedrich)