
1923 Ahrens-Fox MS2 750/0

Delivered: 5/3/1923

Status: Sold to George R. Wilson Co. on 5/1/1957 but never claimed. Remained in CFD storage until at least 3/12/1981

Apparatus Assignments

Engine Co. 40 (5/10/1923 - 7/25/1928)
Engine Co. 98 (8/15/1928 - 5/19/1934)
Engine Co. 98 (1/16/1935 - 3/15/1938)
Engine Co. 70 (3/30/1938 - 7/23/1954)

Additional spare assignments for this apparatus may appear on the Company History page

Apparatus Notes

Burned in 1934 Union Stockyards fire and rebuilt by CFD shops; stored at Engine 32 for many years after out of service (was still there in June 1983)

Additional Images