
1993 Seagrave Patriot 100’ rear mount aerial

Delivered: 9/16/1993

Status: Sold at auction 8/15/2014

Apparatus Assignments

Truck Co. 57 (10/7/1993 - 9/13/2002)
Spare truck (2002 - 2003)
Truck Co. 20 (2/11/2003 - 2006?)
Spare truck (2006? - 2014)

Additional spare assignments for this apparatus may appear on the Company History page

Apparatus Notes

Assignment date may have been 10/6/1993; assigned to Truck 20 until at least 12/18/2005; used as Truck 81 for “Chicago Fire” TV show; “bullet-ridden” compartment door removed from this or E-268 and put on E-274 (paint jobs didn’t match)

Additional Images

Truck 57 (Bill Friedrich)

Truck 20 (Gordon J. Nord)

Truck 20 (Smith Bros.)

Truck 20 (Tim Olk)

Truck 20 (Adam Alberti)

Spare truck (Gordon J. Nord)

Marked for TV show (Smith Bros.)