
1996 Seagrave Patriot 100’ rear mount aerial


Status: Sold at auction 1/13/2021

Apparatus Assignments

Truck Co. 32 (4/17/1996 - 2002?)
Truck Co. 61 (6/3/2002 - 2/2012?)
Spare truck (2012 - 2020)

Additional spare assignments for this apparatus may appear on the Company History page

Apparatus Notes

Truck 32 start date may have been 4/16/1996; still in service, with Mars 888, 1/5/2014; rear beacons retrofitted with Vision pods; still in service 8/27/2018

Additional Images

Truck 32 (Bill Friedrich)

Truck 32 (Smith Bros.)

Truck 61 (Gordon J. Nord)

Spare truck (2RoadsPhoto)