Delivered: 7/1/1929
Status: Sold 2/21/1963 to Al's Auto Parts
Truck Co. 45 (7/15/1929 - 4/22/1932) |
Truck Co. 52 (4/22/1932 - 2/7/1946) |
Spare truck (2/7/1946 - 2/7/1946) |
Truck Co. 50 (3/22/1946 - 10/20/1949) |
Spare truck (10/20/1949 - 2/1950) |
Truck Co. 55 (3/1/1950 - 5/20/1959) |
Spare truck (5/20/1959 - 2/21/1963) |
Truck 56 spare (1959 - 1959) |
Additional spare assignments for this apparatus may appear on the Company History page
1-piece straight frame city service truck, not tillered; first Truck 45 (at E121’s house) OOS 4/22/1932; first apparatus for Truck 55